
11 Cards: Quick Start Guide

I work in a mental health clinic in New York City. The patients are great, the staff are great. The darkest challenge, though, is the management of treatment plans. The Office of Mental Health for the State of New York (all bow before its name) requires that every patient get a treatment plan written within 30 days of admission and reviewed at least every 90 days thereafter. So, with 50 patients (active or inactive), that's in excess of 200 plans/reviews handled a year per clinician, effectively 4 per week. Time management is a bear. 

With that in mind, I needed a way to manage this relentless schedule and not let the management overwhelm my care for my patients (or my natural ADD). I found an elegantly simple solution, so I wrote a short e-book describing it. Buy it if you're an overworked, overstressed clinician (or know one). Let me know what you think.

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